Human Resources » Keenan Safe Schools Training

Keenan Safe Schools Training

The safety of our staff and students is of the utmost importance. That's why we're pleased to offer the SafeSchools Online Training System for our employees. We're confident you'll find these courses to be informative and helpful towards maintaining a safe learning environment. As a public education employee, you are required to be trained every school year on these provided training. If not properly trained you may risk your ability to work and be employed by the district, so please make sure to complete all training assigned to you at your earliest convenience. Thank you.


1. The first step is to open Keenan SafeSchools Training :: Login and click Username

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2. Type Username, Your Username is your district Email!

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3. Click LOG IN

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4. Some will require an additional password. Please contact your administrator for more information if needed, or contact Garrett Huntenburg at [email protected].

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5. Here you will see all Mandatory Training, Suggested Training, as well as Extra Training.

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Here's an interactive tutorial


1. The first step is to open Keenan SafeSchools Training :: My Assignments and click the training you wish to begin.

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2. Click Start

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3. You will then be able to see all available courses. To begin, click Start Course

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4. Click Accept on the Disclaimer when ready to move forward.

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5. Here you will see a course breakdown for the course you have selected. Click Start Course to begin.

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6. Clicking this will Pause (k) your training.

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7. Here is the Mute (m) and Volume Control. 

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8. Clicking the Left Arrow will take you to the previous course or training, if available.

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9. Clicking the Right Arrow will go forward to the next course, if available.

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10. Here you will see the name of the section you are currently watching, as well as the current run time and total time of the video.

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11. Clicking the Enable Closed Captions button will add or remove subtitles.

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12. Clicking the round Cog will Open the Settings menu

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13. Here you will be able to increase or decrease quality, enable different Audio Tracks, as well as change View Mode.

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14. Clicking Full Screen (f) will increase the video size to fit the monitor or mobile device you are using.

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15. Once you have completed the video training portion, there may be a Knowledge Check before you can move forward. Almost all of the questions asked through these courses will be True or False or Multiple Choice.

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16. If you have selected the correct option, you will be prompt with a Correct! icon, however, if incorrect then an Incorrect icon will appear with more information.
Click the Cont. Arrow to move forward.

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17. Once you have completed all of the video segments of a course, you will be prompt to take the Final Assessment. Click Start or Take Assessment when ready.

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18. Here you will see the total amount of questions, a progress bar, the question, as well as the options for answers.

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19. Once you have completed the Assessment, you will receive your final score! If your final score is higher than the Minimum you will be able to click Finish! However, if it is lower than the minimum you will have to retry the Assessment again.

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20. Lastly, you will receive a certificate of completion after completing the course! Click View Certificate to view your certificate at any time! You have now successful completed a Keenan SafeSchools Training Course! Congratulations!

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Here's an interactive tutorial


1. The first step is to open SafeSchools - Administration and click Reports

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2. Click Compliance By Person

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3. Set your From Date. To Date will always default to today's date.

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4. Click All Locations, This is where you will set your school location.

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5. Choose your location in the drop down box.

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6. Select Choose "Your school here", I am using Birney in this example.

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7. Select Show E-mail address in report, if you would like to be able to see emails to inform those who have not completed their training.

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8. Click Generate

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9. Select Export as Excel if you would like this report in an Excel spreadsheet.

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Here's an interactive tutorial